Orthopygia Glaucinalis
Water Ermine
A real .goodie'. Trapped by Steve in his Cantley garden
Treble Brown-spot
Mottled Rustic
Riband Wave
Swallowtail Moth
Swallow Prominent
Scalloped Oak
Scalloped Hook-tip
Ruby Tiger
Peppered Moth - carbonaria form
Peach Blossom (hoping for a better pic which does this beauty justice)
Mother of Pearl
Green Pug
Early Thorn
Dusky Sallow
Common Marbled Carpet
Bright-line Brown-eye
Cream-bordered Green Pea (migrant - better photo required !
Common Footman
Bird-cherry Ermine (Yponomeuta evonymella)
Barred Straw
Barred Red
Six Spot Burnet
The following 10 photographs were taken at Steve and Dot's home in Cantley.
Dusky Wainscot
Small Yellow Wave poor photo through dirty plastic
Sallow Kitten + eggs
Fen Wainscot
Leopard Moth
Common Emerald
Agapeta hamana
Scallop Shell
The Flame
Gold Swift